We are here in Boston! 7 Estella St, Dorchester
It was a bit of a rough start... , with first middle of night McDonald encounter with the countless homeless people scavenging for food and money. Air b&b is a modern and clean beautiful space, although located in a rough neighborhood. After experiencing the upstairs tenant's loud noise, fire alarm going off twice forcing us to evacuate, and the scary looking neighbors next door, concerned Papa has decided to relocate us to a better area. Looking forward to our next living space in Newton!
Our Precious Little
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Summer in Boston -Dorchester
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Friday, August 21, 2020
When you were little...
Found a letter from baby Kari from way back...
It's always hard to be away from you - Love you to the moon and back RIRI.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Fourth of July celebration 2018 DANCE
Kayla and Kari had the honor of being invited to the IAPAC/ I-Chinese American Political Action Committee/Chinese American Federation celebration of Fourth of July this year! They met the city mayors, Congress woman, and other important government officials that came to support the festive celebration in Temple city. They were presented the awards in "recognition of outstanding performance" from the president of Chinese American Federation. Proud of you girls! Happy Fourth of July!!!
From Ms.Lucy:
Kari Fu和Kayla Fu双胞胎姐妹获得由美国华人联合总会李社潮会长颁发的表演表彰证书
宝贝们作为华裔少年积极参与由社团组织的文化活动,意义非凡!她们表演的双人主题爵士舞《Party in the USA》获得到大家一致好评。一不小心又成为了合影留念的焦点。祝贺宝贝俩❤️ Much thanks to Ms. Lucy!
Press Coverage of Today's event:


Dance Video:

From Ms.Lucy:
Kari Fu和Kayla Fu双胞胎姐妹获得由美国华人联合总会李社潮会长颁发的表演表彰证书
宝贝们作为华裔少年积极参与由社团组织的文化活动,意义非凡!她们表演的双人主题爵士舞《Party in the USA》获得到大家一致好评。一不小心又成为了合影留念的焦点。祝贺宝贝俩❤️ Much thanks to Ms. Lucy!
Press Coverage of Today's event:

Dance Video:

Monday, August 28, 2017
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Ballet Performance May 2016
For mother's day... flowers and hearts for mothers who give so much love and themselves!
Kayla and Kari's first dance performance!
Kayla and Kari's first dance performance!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Old Ice Cream Documentary
Maybe when they were four...
Short video of LALA and RIRI enjoying their favorite vanilla ice cream cones... This was at the John's Incredible Pizza, the girls' favorite place to play. The last time we went there, it was so packed that we had to go somewhere else. RIRI was inconsolably in tears. Until next time...
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Finally Kindergarten
LALA and RIRI's writing first week of Kindergarten. A little scared, super excited, a few drops of tears, and you are ready to start the journey. I love watching you grow. I love everything about you...
What hippo?...
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Mother's Day gift
First of all... that is not my age.
Second of all....okay I suppose they catch me resting in bed more than I should. I do pass out after work.
I am still incredibly blessed for all the mother's day drawings and writings they've piled up on my desk and stuffed in their little purse.
The night before the mother's day celebration with all the moms and grandmas, I found the girls whispering in their toy room excitedly.
"What are you doing girls?" I asked.
"It's a surprise, don't come in!!!" They replied, shutting the door.
Ten minutes later, I found them carrying a large canvas bag filled to the top with toys from their room, struggling to make their way up the stairs.
"What in the world are you doing...!!??" I asked, confused.
"We prepared presents for you and our grandmothers!!! We are ready for tomorrow's celebration!!"
OH JOY. Do I love it...? Of course little sweet honey pies, anything from you. You've made me feel so loved... :)
Kayla tilted her little face up looking at me, happily proud of herself. Then she asked, looking concerned, "so..... When will it be children's day so that it will be our turn to get all the presents?!"
Thank you, my little loves, for all that you've done for me and all the joy you've brought me.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
The Great Thinker, and The Great Eater
Our little Arizona getaway... The girls enjoyed a few days with sunshine, breakfast in bed, and lazy afternoons without school. They played the parts of the restaurant chef and the demanding customer. They watched the men play golf, and Kari asked if only men played the sport. They chatted shyly and happily cheered for the golfers. They are still obsessed about collecting rocks... I found a bunch stuffed in my purse when I returned from the trip.
Taking them to the donut shop reminded me of the time when I had asked the little ones to help me look for the sign "Donut". Attentively they looked, and finally Kayla exclaimed excitedly, "DONUT!!!" She was so proud that she shouted over and over again. I anxiously looked in the direction she was pointing. There it was.... A sign that read, "DO-NOT- ENTER". She was three at the time. I couldn't stop laughing, but I was still just as proud.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Beautiful Seattle
It was such a wonderful visit with Tracy and Terry in Seattle. Kayla and Kari became fond of them immediately....Kari made a little drawing at lunch for Uncle Terry. Quietly she whispered to me, "Mommy, how do I spell 'Uncle Terry'?" In it she wrote, "Kari loves Uncle Terry!" They had a blast running in circles with little cousin Mason.
Mercer Island was a cute little town. Little drizzle of rain made the both beautiful and romantic. Standing by the boating docks, Terry asked, "Is it raining or is it just me?!" Little Kari standing next to him replied politely, "It is raining and it is just on you!"
Then we had the opportunity to meet up with cousin Demi in University of Washington. The campus is nothing short of spectacular, with dreamy fall colors everywhere. Kayla and Kari remembered Demi from their Taiwan trip, and hopped over to hold her hands right away. The dormitory is super trendy with chalkboard scribbles and creative drawings on the wall, nothing like when we went to college.
Mount Rainier is one of my favorite place to visit in Seattle. It was snowing!! The girls just love the snow...

The ferry ride to the island had the girls thoroughly confused... They kept looking for the "Fairy" the whole time with great excitement and anticipation. We drove the car up the ferry. As we sat in the cabin enjoying the scenery outside of the bay and seagulls, little Kari asked curiously, "so when is the Fairy coming?..."
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