Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Making their way down the stair today KK started chanting, "jasmine.. jasmine me down". Then they giggled and had so much fun.

I have comes to terms with the fact that little kari will always cry and fight when I drop her off each morning. Lovely kayla makes up for it and brings peace to my mind. She is at ease no matter where she goes. I am thankful that at least I don't have to worry about her. In fact, I think she likes school very much. Everytime I mention school, she'd say "shoo... Shoo..." (the sound of going down the slide) Although Kari puts up a fight in the morning, she always says "yes" when I ask her if she'd like to go to school again tomorrow. She even missed it yesterday and asked to go..."chi shuy shia...chi shay shia"