Sunday, September 11, 2011

That's Ridiculous

Kari said today, "ridiculous Mommy..."

Kayla replied to Kari, "you are ridiculous!"

Mommy's jaw just dropped...

A while ago, it was... "HOW SAD....Kayla" whenever things got broken.

Other big words they use: Pedestrian, bicyclist, motorcyclist.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

New dresses Play cute

They love their new dresses! They twirl around and dance in them happily. They are even willing to pose for a play-cute photo for their paparazzi, before shoving each other off the chair that is...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Victoria Train Ride

So happy to get on the first Victoria Train Ride. Had to yank Kari off forcefully, since her butts were stuck to the the seat stubbornly and her eyes were filled with teary pleas to stay...

"Until next time, sweetie..." Mommy soothed the cry baby.

 Three bucks to ride!?  there is no next time...