Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ramblings, deep thinking

Confucius - "Do unto others what you want done unto you."

While Mommy and Daddy enjoy a little TV time before bedtime...
Mommy said to Kari, "Go to sleep Kari!"  
Kari replied, "You  to to sleep too Mommy!"
Mommy to Kari, "Don't watch TV Kari!"
Kari quickly responded, "Neither should you!"

DUH obviously

Mommy, looking around and then at the naked babies in front of her before bath time, and said, "where are all the dirty clothes you girls took off?"
Kayla stopped and said, "LAUNDRY!"

LOL, my quick learners.

Fly like a bird

During Daddy's visit to Memphis TN, Mommy told the girls that Daddy flew there for a meeting.
Kari asked, "Daddy is flying in the tree, like a bird, in Memphis?"

Learning to appreciate

Susie Auntie kindly brought Cinderella and Ariel Toothbrushes for the girls, and graciously Kari replied, "Thank you Susi ahi for the Cinderella and Ariel tooghbrushes, but I thought you were going to bring us sleeping beauty ones too!"


Love between the sisters

The cutest moment--  when Kari picked up the ice bag and carefully pressed it on kayla's head while she had a fever.  She held it there for so long, tender moment captured.