Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Great Thinker, and The Great Eater

Our little Arizona getaway... The girls enjoyed a few days with sunshine, breakfast in bed, and lazy afternoons without school.  They played the parts of the restaurant chef and the demanding customer. They watched the men play golf, and Kari asked if only men played the sport.   They chatted shyly and happily cheered for the golfers.  They are still obsessed about collecting rocks... I found a bunch stuffed in my purse when I returned from the trip.

Taking them to the donut shop reminded me of the time when I had asked the little ones to help me look for the sign "Donut".    Attentively they looked, and finally Kayla exclaimed excitedly, "DONUT!!!"  She was so proud that she shouted over and over again.  I anxiously looked in the direction she was pointing.   There it was.... A sign that read, "DO-NOT- ENTER".  She was three at the time.  I couldn't stop laughing, but I was still just as proud.