Kayla and Kari had the honor of being invited to the IAPAC/ I-Chinese American Political Action Committee/Chinese American Federation celebration of Fourth of July this year! They met the city mayors, Congress woman, and other important government officials that came to support the festive celebration in Temple city. They were presented the awards in "recognition of outstanding performance" from the president of Chinese American Federation. Proud of you girls! Happy Fourth of July!!!
From Ms.Lucy:
Kari Fu和Kayla Fu双胞胎姐妹获得由美国华人联合总会李社潮会长颁发的表演表彰证书
宝贝们作为华裔少年积极参与由社团组织的文化活动,意义非凡!她们表演的双人主题爵士舞《Party in the USA》获得到大家一致好评。一不小心又成为了合影留念的焦点。祝贺宝贝俩❤️ Much thanks to Ms. Lucy!
Press Coverage of Today's event:
Dance Video: