Lala bee was a little stunned through the whole adventure. She held onto the first piece of candy, M&Ms, that she got and never let go. A stranger walked by and thought the honey bee adorable. He gently swiped her bee antenna above her head as he passed Lala bee. She turned around and gave him a look (dirty?) and a stare for a minute. The sales people waved at Lala as well through the store window. She walked up to them, tilted her little bumble bee head and took a closer look at them, and then blew them a kiss before walking off. She jumped, hopped, and bounced down the street... Cute and happy little bumble bee.
Upon arrival at Grandma and Grandpa's house, baby bee finally awoke. She excitedly ran in yelling, "TRICK-O-TREAT!" She couldn't wait to eat her reward!

The UGLY (getting ready): putting on the bumble bee outfits with cookie bribes, little bees ripping off one antenna, one sock, one shoe, one pom pom, running around like bees on ecstasy, malicuiously attacking their own wings, pulling off bee tops, crying and throwing a fit....and Mommy putting everything back in place frantically with occasional threats...Lookimg forward to the next Halloween already.

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