Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kayla Kari kissing

This video is taken 1.5 month ago. They are not too much bigger now. I just think it's so cute... Kari is calling her Grandpa in Chinese in this video.

Monday, June 14, 2010

kari-19 mo

She said before heading out with daddy, "ready to go", clearly.  Was not feeling too well yesterday and as I was taking my medicine, she ran over to look and said, "mommy eat medicine (mommy tse yao yao)" She can talk a lot in sentences now.  Her pronunciation is so clear that there's very few words she couldn't enunciate.  Quite feisty still I would say.  Tough and stubborn, and major separation anxiety. Regardless of all, such a fun baby to have.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sleep Time-Synchro

On their favorite blue beach frog chair, these two decide to nap together.  Kayla still holding onto her favorite blanket.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Falling

They walk, they run, and then they fall....  My brave little girls just get up and go again.  They've mastered the skills of climbing up the stairs and sliding back down, and then they decide to start walking down the steps.  Kayla did a graceful three-turn-summersault the other day down the stairs landing head first.  She cried, mommy's heart ached.  Kari fell abruptly down the stairs yesterday and got her head wedged between the gate and the bottom step.  Her body distorted, her neck bent, her legs up in the air, she looked at me rushing to the scene and said, "Help me..."  My poor baby didn't even cry, mommy heart aches every time.  They'll fall then they'll learn that the world is full of dangers.  I suppose that's how we all learn about this world, by falling.  But we all learn to get up again.  I'll always be by your side, KK.

The love for the slide

Monday, June 7, 2010

Trip to Seattle

Wow two trips within a few weeks...  plus the first visit to the zoo for the girls.  Seattle rained through our entire trip.  Wedding for our niece was beautiful regardless.  Kayla and Kari rushed in front of the single ladies for the bouquet toss!   I am sure they stole many hearts that night.
In the hotel room, mommy was able to capture this rare moment of serenity.  They do look like two calm little ladies, don't they?!  I am quite surprised they are not fatter babies.  Every time they act up, they get french fries and butter cookies.  It works like a charm.