Sunday, June 26, 2011

Potty Training Mommy

Kayla and Kari started, although not seriously, potty training.

More accurately, the sentence should read: Kayla and Kari started potty training Mommy.

Two little cheerleaders would rush to the door as I sit.
"GO GO Mommy! 加油! 用力!" They close their fist tight, stick out the buttocks, and squeeze their face together with an agonizing expression.

Today while Kayla cheered, Kari disappeared, "Mei Mei get the ipad for you okay Mommy?!"

She couldn't find it. Afraid she'd find it, I rushed, "Mei mei come back!!! HURRY!"

"OKAY Mommy. Be right back" Then she suddenly appeared with a little book in her hand. She set it on the floor the way her Daddy always set the ipad for her, opened it, and said, "There you go, Mommy. Now you can read."

That is probably the only time she'll get me to read.

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