Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Day 1

Just waking up from her nap, she clutched to her Cinderella and gave me a big smile.  I know I will be saying this for years to come, but I can't believe she is growing up a little everyday.  It's getting harder for me to hold her, but I will for as long as I can.

"Happy New Year, Kayla!" I said as I held her in bed.  She said defensively folding her hands across her chest as if she's mad, "No mama, it's my normal ear, it's not new..."

Watching Ice Age 4 before bedtime, she broke the silence and exclaimed loudly, "EVERYTHING IS BROKING!!!!"

Don't ever change, Kayla, you are too cute.

By Kayla F. My Family.  

Lovely, although... who is that extra person in there?  (It's her cousin Kenneth, she said)   She drew figures the same way I did when I was little, without noses.   And no offense taken, the mother was depicted here as having enormous feet...

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Ready for another round of 365 days?  Bring it on!

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