Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Most Dreaded Bacteria

Everything dirty to them is bacteria nowadays.  They went out to play, and pointed out to each other... "Beware that the scooters left out in the rain now is covered with bacteria !!"(有細菌)They gasped at the sight of "bacteria"(細菌) everywhere, on the chairs, on the concrete, on the seats of their baby scooters, and on Kayla's favorite blue ball.    Speaking of the beloved blue ball...  It was thrown by RIRI in an utterly uncontrolled fashion over the neighbor's fence, which caused a violent outburst of hysterical cry (although quite comical to me) that lasted a decade.   Lala mourned the blue ball tearfully and regrettably, pounding her chest and holding her head while stomping on the ground all at the once. Goodbye dear blue ball. It was good while it lasted.  Now life goes on.

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