Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lights Lights Lights! It's a Small and *Beautiful* World

Disney at Christmas 2012.  The happiest place on earth.

Poor little girls had their four year big checkup.  Five shots of immunization left them crying in pain.  Kari looked at me unforgivingly as she sobbed for long after the nurse was gone.  Disneyland was their consolation. Even if it couldn't take away the pain, at least it slipped in some thoughts of happiness enough to crack smile!

For the first time both stayed awake for the spectacular holiday firework.  Kayla handed the only juice left to Kari, and proudly patted her own back, "Kayla cares for Kari so much... (姊姊好疼妹妹哦)"

At the Merry-Go-Round, Kari really wanted me to ride the pony next to her.  She gave me her signature "be-with-me" look that I could never resist.  She gives me this look when she wants to cuddle in bed with me.  She gives me this look when I say "good-bye" to her.  She gives me this look when she wants a little love from me.  She steals more than just my heart with it, my little princess on the pony.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Two Little Tigers

Las Vegas - Mandalay Bay.  The girls enjoyed the beach waves, and visited the sharks, jellyfish, octopus, and rays.  

The first trip to Circus Circus.  The rides were a little crazier than I anticipated, and definitely a lot faster than the Disneyland ones.  I expected a little fear from the little ones, but they laughed hysterically throughout. 

Their also had some quiet time watching the gondola go by in Venetian.  It was serene and calming. They didn't want to leave. They danced, around the man playing the accordion in the crowd, as if there was nobody else around...

The little feet walked through New York-New York, MGM, Monte Carlo, Caesars Palace.  It concluded with a taxi ride back to the hotel.  Kari got to sit in the front for the first time, and she was just ecstatic.  Playfully she peeked at the driver next to her, and as usual, she asked if she could ride it again!

It was a fabulous trip -- the two little tigers' little cruise through the Las Vegas strip.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Grandma: Kari's Mommy, try to exercise a little...
Kari's Mommy:  Mom, I don't have a lot of time! Too busy lately...
Grandma: You can always find time for that. (時間是自己找的。。)

Kari, waving a finger at Mommy: THAT IS TRUE!! ( 没错!)    

Adult conversation. Mini-adult's third-party opinion.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Witch and her Ladybug's Happy Halloween

The sweet little witch seems to reign the earth
as she treads steadily behind the cheerful little ladybug.
"DON'T WALK on the grass," she commands
loudly and firmly to her grandma caught on the grass.
"DON'T you walk on the grass again!!"

We thought she'd fly away with the broomstick in her hand,
but strangely she's singing and sweeping around like a happy little maid.
"Clean up everybody...brush your teeth..." she chants.

"Ooo...the skeleton...  Ohhhh the scarecrow... OH CANDY!!!!!!"
"Can we just go to one more?!?!"
Jumping and hopping down the street, they are
enchanted with encounters of Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and even Bat Man!
The STORY BOOK has come alive with all of their favorite characters.

"I just LOVE Halloween!!!"
little ladybug loudly declares.
Another voice echos, "DON'T-WALK-ON-THE-GRASS !!!"
From one house to another, they NEVER want this night to end.