Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Witch and her Ladybug's Happy Halloween

The sweet little witch seems to reign the earth
as she treads steadily behind the cheerful little ladybug.
"DON'T WALK on the grass," she commands
loudly and firmly to her grandma caught on the grass.
"DON'T you walk on the grass again!!"

We thought she'd fly away with the broomstick in her hand,
but strangely she's singing and sweeping around like a happy little maid.
"Clean up everybody...brush your teeth..." she chants.

"Ooo...the skeleton...  Ohhhh the scarecrow... OH CANDY!!!!!!"
"Can we just go to one more?!?!"
Jumping and hopping down the street, they are
enchanted with encounters of Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and even Bat Man!
The STORY BOOK has come alive with all of their favorite characters.

"I just LOVE Halloween!!!"
little ladybug loudly declares.
Another voice echos, "DON'T-WALK-ON-THE-GRASS !!!"
From one house to another, they NEVER want this night to end.

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