Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lights Lights Lights! It's a Small and *Beautiful* World

Disney at Christmas 2012.  The happiest place on earth.

Poor little girls had their four year big checkup.  Five shots of immunization left them crying in pain.  Kari looked at me unforgivingly as she sobbed for long after the nurse was gone.  Disneyland was their consolation. Even if it couldn't take away the pain, at least it slipped in some thoughts of happiness enough to crack smile!

For the first time both stayed awake for the spectacular holiday firework.  Kayla handed the only juice left to Kari, and proudly patted her own back, "Kayla cares for Kari so much... (姊姊好疼妹妹哦)"

At the Merry-Go-Round, Kari really wanted me to ride the pony next to her.  She gave me her signature "be-with-me" look that I could never resist.  She gives me this look when she wants to cuddle in bed with me.  She gives me this look when I say "good-bye" to her.  She gives me this look when she wants a little love from me.  She steals more than just my heart with it, my little princess on the pony.

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